All Posts: General Page

  • July week 1: Age related diet

    Articles:Hall RT, Carroll RE. Infant Feeding. Ped Rev. June 2000; 21:191-200 Misra M, et al. Vitamin D deficiency in children and its management: review of current knowledge and recommendations. Ped

    Category: General Page

  • CYAS cases 2010-2011

    July week 1: DevelopmentJuly week 2: Age-Related DietJuly week 3: Anticipatory GuidanceJuly week 4: Vision / Hearing ScreeningAugust week 1: Vaccine SurveillanceAugust week 2: Oral Hygiene & Fluoride

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  • June Week 2: Early Intervention

    Articles: Case 1:

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  • June Week 3: Short Stature

    Article: Susan R, et al. A General Pediatric Approach to Evaluating a Short Child. Peds in Review. 2005;26;410-420 Case 1: Parents are concerned because their 3yo boy is the same size as the 2

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  • June Week 1: Preseptal & Orbital Cellulitis

    Articles: Hauser A, et al. Periorbital and orbital cellulitis. Peds in Review. 2010;31:242-249. Cases: You are seeing a 6 year old male in clinic who presents with a 1 day history of progress

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  • May Week 4: Henoch Schoenlein Purpura

    Article: 1. Diagnosis and Management of Henoch-Shonlein Purpura, McCarthy, Hugh, et. al., European Journal of Pediatrics. 2010. CASE & Questions: A 3 yo male presents with 2 weeks of a rash (s

    Category: General Page

  • May Week 3: Summer Safety

    Articles: 1. American Academy of Pediatrics. Technical Report Ultraviolet Radiation - A Hazard to Children and Adolescents. PEDIATRICS Volume 127, Number 3, March 2011 2. American Academy of Pediat

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  • May Week 2: Common Sleep Problems

    Article: Bhargava, Sumit. Diagnosis and Management of Common Sleep Problems in Children. Pediatrics in Review. March 2011 Case 1 You see a 3 yr old girl for her well child check, and mom reports

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  • May Week 1: Colic

    Article: Fireman L, et al. Colic. Peds in Review. 2006;27;357-58. Case 1: A disheveled looking couple brings their 1 month old to your office for a well visit. They reporttheir daughter cries i

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  • June Week 2: Sports Preparticipation

    SPORTS PREPARTICIPATION Articles Metzl J. Preparticipation Examination of the Adolescent Athlete: Part 1, Pediatrics in Review, 2001.Metzl J. Preparticipation Examination of the Adolescent Athl

    Category: General Page