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June Week 4: Benign Bumps
Articles Peds in Review: MolluscumTopical Treatments for Warts: Cochrane ReviewArch Pediatric Adolesc Medicine: Duct tape vs. Cryotherapy for treatment of warts Cases/Questions Case 1 A m
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June Week 3: Behavioral Issues
Articles: PIR: "Behavior Problems" in Children - Understanding temperment of toddlers PIR: Behavior Problems in School-Aged Children PIR: Behavioral Issues in Brief PIR: Temper Tantrums
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June Week 1: Strabismus
Articles: Pediatric Vision Screening. Gary L Rogers, MD and Catherine Olson Jordan, MD. Pediatrics in Review. March 2013. Amblyopia: Etiology, Detection and Treatment. Irene Magramm. Pediatric
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May Week 4: Common Musculoskeletal Complaints
Articles: Legg-Calves-Perthes Disease. William P. Bunnell. Pediatrics in Review. SCFE. David Peck. American Family Physician. 2010. Case: You are in CYAS clinic on a Friday afternoon an
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May Week 3: Parasites
Articles in Brief PinwormsScabiesGiardia and Cryptosporidium Cases Pinworms: 1. What is the lifecycle of a pinworm? 2. How do they usually present clinically?3. How do we diagnose pinworm
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May Week 2: Over the Counter Medications
Article: Evidence for OTC Medications in Children Under 6 Years - Pediatric Child Health, 2008 Patient Resources: OTC Medications: General Information for Parents OTC Medications: Parent
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May Week 1: Bites/Rabies
Articles: Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Rabies and International Travel 2012 Rabies: A Brief Overview Cases: Johnny, age 7, and his parents went on a camping trip in West Vir
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April Week 4: Acne
Articles: Managing Adolescent Acne. Daniel P. Krowchuk. Pediatrics in Review. 2005 Complementary, Holistic, and Integrative Medicine: Acne. Anju Sawni and Amritpal Singh. Pediatrics in Review.
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April Week 3: Short Stature
Articles: 1. A General Pediatric Approach to Evaluating a Short Child. Rose et al. Peds in Review. 2005. 2. Short Stature in Childhood -- Challenges and Choices. Allen and Cuttler. NEJM. 2013.
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April Week 2: Tuberculosis
Article: Pediatric Tuberculosis. Andrea T. Cruz and Jeffrey R. Starke. Pediatrics in Review. 2010. Case 1: You are in clinic seeing Mr. Potter with his three children, James Sirius (6 yrs),
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