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November Week 4: NO ARTICLE (Holiday)
Category: General Page
November Week 3: Non-Accidental Trauma
Articles:Asnes A, et al. Managing Child Abuse: General Principles. Peds in Review. 2010;31;47-55Sirotnak A, et al. Physical Abuse of Children. Peds in Review. 2004:25;264-277 Case 1:An 18 month ol
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November Week 2: Lymphadenopathy
Articles:Friedmann, A. Evaluation and Management of Lymphadenopathy in Children. Peds in Review. 2008;29;53-60 Case 1: A 2 yo female is brought in by her mother for a sick visit. Mom reports toda
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November Week 1: Developmental Delay
Articles: AAP policy statement. Identifying Infants and Young Children With Developmental Disorders in the Medical Home: An Algorithm for Developmental Surveillance and Screening. Pediatrics. Vol.
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October Week 4: Asthma
Articles:Wood P, et al. Practical Management of Asthma. Peds in Review. 2009;30;375-385Hill V, et al. Asthma Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Initial Evaluation. Peds in Review. 2009;30;331-336.
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October Week 3: Neurocutaneous Disorders
Reading: Nelson’s Textbook of Pediatrics. “Neurocutaneous Syndromes.” Part XXIV, Chapter 596. Case 1: You are called by a nurse in the newborn nursery to evaluate a birthmark on a baby who w
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October Week 2: Pharyngeal Abscess vs. Tonsillitis
Articles: Alcaide M, et al. Pharyngitis and Epiglottitis. Infectious Disease Clinics of North America. Vol 21, Issue 2, June 2007Gigante, J. Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy. Peds in Review. 2005;2
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October Week 1: Influenza Vaccine
Articles:Policy Statement_Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2010-11. Pediatrics published online Aug 30, 2010; Case 1: A pregnant mother brings her 3 children t
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September Week 4: Septic vs. Reactive Arthritis
Recommended Reading: Index of Suspicion, Pediatrics in Review, May 2002; 23: 179 - 185. CASE #4Approach to Acute Limb Pain in Childhood. Shirley M. L. Tse, MD, Ronald M. Laxer, MD Pediatrics in R
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September Week 3: Hypercholesterolemia/Hyperlipidemia
Articles:Daniels S, et al. Lipid Screening and Cardiovascular Health in Childhood. Pediatrics 2008;122;198-208. Case 1: A 4 year old girl is brought in by dad for her well visit. Her height and
Category: General Page