All Posts: General Page

  • August Week 2

    Article: Congenital Hypothyroidism - Pediatrics in Review You’ve just received notice that an infant you follow in clinic had a newborn screen positive for congenital hypothyroidism. 1. What

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  • August Week 1

    Article: Peds In Review: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: An Update, July 2012 Case and Discussion: You are counseling the family of a two-week old on the risk of SIDS. 1) What is the defini

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  • July Week 3 Anticipatory Guidance

    Articles and Resources: AAP Committee's Guidelines on Bicycle Helmets AAP guidelines for Car Safety Seats AAP's Healthy Living Factsheet AAP's Healthy Living Prescription Case 1 You are s

    Category: General Page

  • July Week 2

    Articles:Hall RT, Carroll RE. Infant Feeding. Ped Rev. June 2000; 21:191-200Misra M, et al. Vitamin D deficiency in children and its management: review of current knowledge and recommendations. Pedia

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  • July Week 1

    Growth and Development: The basics 1. Johnson CP, Blasco PA. Infant Growth and Development. Ped Rev. July 1997;18(7):224-42. 2. AAP policy statement. Identifying Infants and Young Children With

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  • CYAS cases 2012-2013

    July: Week 1: (7.2.12)  DevelopmentJuly: Week 2: (7.9.12)  Age related DietJuly: Week 3: (7.16.12) Anticipatory GuidanceJuly: Week 4: (7.30.12) Anemia & Anemia screening August: Week 1: (8.6.12)  

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  • Glorius Last Case by the only Dr Bidadi!

    Management of Bacterial Infections of the Skin 1. A four year old child who was in camp comes to clinic with a complaint on her face of a single erythematous macule that evolved into a pustule tha

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  • June Week 3 by Dr Turek

    Article: Vulvovaginitis in the Child and Adolescent. Pediatrics in Review.    A 6 y.o. girl is brought to clinic by her mother for compla

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  • June Week 2

    Abdominal Masses in Children: Neuroblastoma, Wilms tumor, and other Considerationsby Armand E. Brodeur, MD MRd, LLD, FACR, FAAP and Garrett M. Brodeur, MDPediatrics in Review, Vol. 12, No. 7, January

    Category: General Page

  • May Week 5

    ARTICLE:Pediatrics in Review: Periorbital and Orbital Cellulitis, Hauser and Fogarasi, 2012 CASE:A mother brings her 3 y/o son to clinic because his right eye looks "swollen." He woke up this way

    Category: General Page