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February Week 1: Eczema – Treatment & Management
Article: Williams, H. Atopic Dermatitis. New England Journal of Medicine. June 2005. 352;22. Case 1: A 5 month old girl is brought in by mom for an acute visit for “dry skin.” She reports th
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January Week 4: Penile Issues
Articles:Wan J, et al.Common Penile Problems.Prim Care Clin Office Pract. 37(2010) 627–642. Case 1: You are examining a newborn in the nursery and note that his urethra is located at the corona
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January Week 3: Testicular Pain/Swelling & Undescended Testes
Articles Gatti J, at al. Acute Testicular Disorders. Peds in Review. 2008:29;265-241.Callaghan P. Undescended Testis. Peds in Review. 2000;21;395 Case 1 A 15 year old boy comes to see you fo
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January Week 2: Mild Protein Allergy/Lactose Intolerance
Article:Baral V, et al. Food Allergy in Children. PMJ, 2005; 81:693-701. Case 1: You are seeing a 2 yo male with severe atopic dermatitis. Mom has tried emollients and topical steroids with no
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January Week 2: Mild Protein Allergy/Lactose Intolerance
Article:Baral V, et al. Food Allergy in Children. PMJ, 2005; 81:693-701. Case 1: You are seeing a 2 yo male with severe atopic dermatitis. Mom has tried emollients and topical steroids with no
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January Week 1: Febrile Seizures
Articles: Hirtz D. Febrile Seizures. Peds in Review. 1997;18;5 Duffner P, et al. A Synopsis of the American Academy of Pediatrics' Practice Parameters on the Evaluation and Treatment of Childre
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December Week 4: NO ARTICLE (HOLIDAY)
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December Week 3: Prevention
Public Health Series – Prevention To read: Healthy People 2010: www.healthypeople.govMMWR’s 10 Great Public Health Achievements:’s leadi
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December Week 2: Gastroesophageal Reflux
Articles: Michail S, et al. Gastroesophageal Reflux. Peds in Review. 2007;28;101-110(you don't have to read ALL 50 pages - the tables are the most useful part)Vandenplas Y, et al. Pediatric Gastro
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December Week 1: Chronic Abdominal Pain
Rasquin A, et al. Childhood Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders: Child/Adolescent. Gastroenterology. 2006;130:1527–1537Collins B, et al. Chronic Abdominal Pain. Peds in Review. 2007; 28:323-331.
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