December Week 3: Prevention
Public Health Series – Prevention
To read:
- Healthy People 2010: - MMWR’s 10 Great Public Health Achievements: - NLM’s leading causes of death in children:
Case 1:
Review the 10 Great Public Health Achievements, and compare to the NLM’s leading causes of death in children.
1. Define primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention and give examples and discuss importance of each.
2. Choose 1 or 2 achievements from MMWR to discuss. How have public health measures improved morbidity and mortality?
Case 2:
Review the proposed changes from Healthy People 2010 to Healthy People 2020 :
1. Choose one topic area and discuss which 2010 objectives were retained, removed, or changed for 2020. Why do you think these changes were made?
Compare to the new Healthy People 2020 website:
1. Choose one of the topics listed under “2020 topics and objectives” tab. Share what you read and what resources you thought were helpful for the topic.
2. Choose one of the planning resources under the “Implementing Healthy People” tab. Share a resource that would help in educating patients in clinic
3. Share a resource that may help in planning an intervention in your community.