All Posts: General Page

  • March Week 2 (by Dr Nigra)

    Craniosynostosis GS and Serletti JM, Consultation with the Specialist: Pediatric Approach to Craniosynostosis. Pediatr. Rev., Oct 1998; 19: 352 - 359 1. What is the name of the suture line that ru

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  • March Week 1 ( by Dr Dixon)

    ARTICLES: Peptic Ulcer Disease: PIR. Chelminsky. Czinn. 2001. Helicobacter Pylori. PIR. Rosenberg. 2010 CASE:A 5 year old male is brought in by his mother for 2 months of "bellypain." It occ

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  • February Week 4 (by Dr Bidadi)

    Sleep Problems Peds in review2006 Case 1Snoopy is a two months old boy and the parents are concerned the baby sleeps too much. He sleeps about 12 hours a night and has 1-2 naps lasting 30 minutes

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  • February Week 3 (by Dr Dixon)

    ATOPIC DERMATITIS A mother brings her 3 year old in for an "eczema outbreak"; she stat

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  • February Week 2 (by Dr Nigra)

    ARTICLE: Foley TP. Hypothyroidism. Pediatr. Rev. 2004;25:94-100. Counts. Varma. Hypothyroidism in Children. PIR. 2009. 1. Which screening tests are recommended for patients who have a high risk

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  • February Week 1

    Articles:Fimbres AM and Shulman ST. Kawasaki Disease. Peds in Review. 2008; 29(9). Freeman AF and Shulman ST. Kawasaki Disease

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  • January Week 4

    ARTICLE:CONGENITAL TORTICOLLIS: PIR. CASE:After being scheduled 5 patients at the same time in CYAS clinic and seeing the 4th one, you see your next patient before noon conference who is a 3 week

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  • January Week 3: Eating Disorders

    Case One:A 14 y.o female is brought to you by her mother with concern for weight loss. Her mom believes the teen has lost ~30 lbs in the past year after going on a "diet" when she became interested i

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  • January Week 2: Rickets

    ARTICLES: Joiner, MD MHSA, Terence A., Carol Foster, MD, and Thomas Shope, MD. "The Many Faces of Vitamin D Deficiency Rickets." Pediatrics in Review 21.9 (2000): 296-303 Wagner, MD, Carol L., and Fr

    Category: General Page

  • January Week 1: Febrile Seizures

    ARTICLES 1. AAP Policy Statement 2. Peds in Review: Febrile Seizures CASE ONE: A 5 month old female is brought to the ER after mom called 911 because the baby started to "shake" his arms and l

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