All Posts: General Page

  • Kirsten B. Hawkins, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.A.P.

    Specialties: Pediatric - Adolescent MedicineTitles: Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Adolescent MedicineMedical Degree: University of Connecticut, 2000Internship: Mount Sinai Medica

    Category: General Page

  • Be The Best You Weekly Calendar

    Here are some of the fun things going on around DC every week. July 19-22, 2013 July 25-31, 2013 August 1-7, 2013 August 8-14, 2013 September 5-11, 2013

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  • 2013-2014 Visual Diagnosis

    Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8  Week 9 Week 10  Cycle 1 Winner:

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  • Visual Diagnosis Week 4

    1. This is the fundoscopic exam of a 20 year old who has experienced progressive peripheral vision loss during his teen years. He now is beginning to have nyctalopia. Based on his ocular symptoms

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  • Visual Diagnosis Week 3

    1. What is the diagnosis of a 2yo child with this EEG? How would you treat this child? Dx: Hypsarrhythmia (aka West Syndrome, infantile spasms)West Syndrome has 3 components: infantile spasms,

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  • Visual Diagnosis Week 1

    Case 1: This 4 mo old baby presents with this rash as well as new onset diarrhea, approximately 1 month after being weaned from breast milk. What is the likely diagnosis? What treatment does she r

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  • January Week 1: Eczema

    Article: Management of Atopic Dermatitis in the Pediatric Population CASE 1: You are at CYAS clinic seeing a 2-month-old baby boy for a well child check. His mother brings to your attention that t

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  • December Week 3: Urinary Tract Infections

    Article: Urinary Tract Infection: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis and Management of the Initial UTI in Febrile Infants and Children 2 to 24 Months Case: You are in the VHC ED s

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  • December Week 2: Penile Issues

    Article 1: Hypospadias.  Peds In Review. You are in the newborn nursery examining a full term baby boy delivered last night via NSVD, when you notice the urethral opening is farther down the ventr

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  • December Week 1: Testicular Pain/Swelling and Undescended Testes

    Articles: Scrotal Swelling in Children.  Peds In Review. Acute Testicular Disorders. Peds In Review. 1. What are the two different types of testicular torsion and how do they differ by age?

    Category: General Page