July Week 2
Hall RT, Carroll RE. Infant Feeding. Ped Rev. June 2000; 21:191-200
Misra M, et al. Vitamin D deficiency in children and its management: review of current knowledge and recommendations. Pediatrics 2008;122:398-417.
Case 1
You are seeing the 4 day old infant of a 19 year old mother in your clinic for a well newborn visit. Mom tells you she has been trying to breastfeed because her mom told her it’s a good thing to do, but she thinks her mom is old-fashioned and wants to know if she can just use formula because it’s so much easier.
What do you want to tell mom about the benefits of breastfeeding?
If she decides to pump and give breast milk by bottle, what do you tell her about rules of storage (fresh vs refrigerated vs frozen)?
What are the few contraindications to breastfeeding?
Your patient and her mother return for her 2 week well check. Mom happily reports that breastfeeding is going very well.
When do you recommend beginning vitamin D supplementation?
What products are acceptable and what is the dosing?
When can supplementation be stopped?
How much formula is required per day to reach the recommended amount for infants?
Your patient and her mother return again for their 1 month and 2 month visits because they are so impressed with your extensive knowledge and helpful guidance. At the 4 month visit, mom has many questions about when and how to start solid foods.
When can solids be introduced? What should she start with first? How should she advance?
When should she switch from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk? When is honey okay? When are foods like nuts/popcorn/hot dogs okay?