April Week 2: EBV
Peds in Review, Epstein Bsrr Virus, Hal Jensen, 2011;32;375.
1. EBV is harbored persistently in nearly all adults. From what body fluids is it silently shed?
2. Age of primary infection varies by a country’s level of development, and expression of infection varies by age. What are the chances a primary infection occurring in adolescence will result in infectious mononucleosis?
3. Describe the life cycle of EBV in the human host. In which cells does it reside? Which cells can rapidly eliminate it? How does it escape detection? Why are our transplant patients particularly at risk when infected with EBV?
4. What are some signs and symptoms of infectious mononucleosis? Do these come from the infection itself or the host’s response? What immunological response distinguishes mono from an asymptomatic primary infection?
5. Twenty percent of patients infected with EBV have complications. Name one respiratory, neurologic, and hematologic complication if EBV.
6. Nearly 100% of older patients with EBV can develop a rash if given Ampicillin. Does this mean they are allergic to it? What should the purist academic doctor in you do if one of your patients develops a rash while receiving antibiotics?