All Posts: General Page
April Week 1: Roseola
Article: Pediatrics - Clinical Features of Infants With Primary Human Herpesvirus 6 Infection (Exanthem Subitum, Roseola Infantum) - 1994 Case/Questions: A mother brings her ten month old ba
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March Week 4: HUS
Article: Peds In Review - Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome - 2001 Case/Questions: Case 1: You have a 3 year old male who is brought to the ED by his mother when she noted bloody diarrhea earlier i
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March Week 3: Urticaria/Anaphylaxis
Article: Anaphylaxis - Peds in Review - 2008 Case: 1.A 12-year-old boy is brought to the emergency department after being stung by a bee. He had been well until he was stung on his right for
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March Week 2: Phenylketonuria/Metabolic Disorders
Articles/References: Peds in Review - Inborn Errors of Metabolism - 2009 Peds in Review - PKU - 1998 Peds in Review - Metabolic Disorders of the Newborn - 1994 State by state list of what
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March Week 1: Vomiting
Articles: Malrotation and Volvulus in Infancy and Childhood. Millar, Rode, and Cywes. Seminars in Pediatric Surgery, Vol 12, No 4. 2003. Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis: Epidemiology, G
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February Week 4: Enuresis & Encopresis
Articles: Enuresis. Graham and Levy. Peds in Review. 2009. Encopresis. Har and Croffie. Peds in Review. 2010. Questions: You are seeing a 5 year old boy in clinic for his annual well chil
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February Week 3: Breath Holding Spells and Tantrums
Articles: Anemia and Breath Holding - Cochrane Review 2010 Tantrums and Breath Holding Spells - Chapter 2. Child Development & Behavior. Edward Goldson, MD, Ann Reynolds, MD Cases/Questions:
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February Week 2: Diabetes Mellitus
Articles: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Pediatrics. Cooke and Plotnick. Peds in Review. 2008 Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Children and Adolescents. J. Darrell Nesmith. Peds in Review. 2001. Que
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February Week 1: Eczema
Articles: Effects of Early Nutritional Interventions on the Development of Atopic Disease in Infants and Children - Pediatrics, 2008 Atopic Dermatitis and Ichthyosis - Peds in Review, 2010 C
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January Week 4: Labial Adhesions/Imperforate Hymen
Article: Common Gynecologic Problems in Prepubertal Girls - Peds in Review 2006 Cases/Questions: You are taking “mommy call” when your pager goes off at 2 am with a frantic first time mom. “
Category: General Page