Rotations at MGUH Pediatrics
Required rotations
Newborn Nursery: Interns spend one month in the newborn nursery at Virginia Hospital Center to learn about care of the well baby in the first few days of life. With the supervision of a second year resident and a hospitalist they admit and discharge newborns in the nursery and learn resuscitation skills at deliveries. All interns take NRP during intern orientation.
NICU: Each year residents rotate in our Level 4 NICU. Our NICU has a mixture of high acuity neonates and those working on feeding and growing. We care for babies born at MedStar Georgetown and receive transfers from all over the metropolitan area. MedStar Georgetown has the most advanced Neonatal and Perinatal Transport Service in the region—capable of transporting critically ill infants and pregnant mothers 24 hours a day, seven days a week via ground including high-frequency jet ventilator, inhaled nitric oxide, and whole body cooling as well as air mobile NICU.
Ward Team: Residents rotate through our general inpatient services during their intern year and return in the third year as the team senior.
Inova Wards Heme/Onc: Our first year residents spend one block on the inpatient Heme/Onc service and general wards at Inova Fairfax Hospital.
Sedation: Our sedation service is run by our PICU attendings and provides sedation for a variety of procedures from scopes to central line placements. The resident rotating on this service will learn the basics of sedation, monitoring, and airway management.
Community Pediatrics: During the community pediatrics rotation interns rotate on the Kids Mobile Medical Clinic and at two high-school based health centers located in underserved communities throughout DC. In addition to teaching the fundamentals of primary community care, our Community Pediatrics medical education program offers learners the opportunity to engage in experiential community experiences with partner community service providers such as D.C. Child and Family Services Agency, Joyful Markets, and WIC.
Development: During the intern year, residents rotate alongside our Developmental pediatrician with opportunities to see patients in clinic and do developmental assessments in the NICU.
Adolescent: During this outpatient rotation, residents rotate with several adolescent trained providers within our Tenleytown clinic. They also rotate at Georgetown University’s student health center, the family planning clinic at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and at the DC Department of Health’s Health and Wellness Clinic.
Gold: Residents spend one month in both first and second years caring for patients on the inpatient GI transplant service. They care for transplant patients in the pre and postoperative period and for any transplant related illnesses. The Transplant Center for Children at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital is Washington, D.C.’s largest program and the nation’s third largest program.
PICU: Residents rotate in our PICU during second and third year directly under the supervision of critical care intensivists. There are no fellows at our program so residents are the first line decision makers overnight. The Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Medstar Georgetown University Hospital is a multidisciplinary unit that provides care for critically-ill children who are age 22 or younger. The unit is supported by the full spectrum of medical and surgical services available at MedStar Georgetown University Hospital. We provide the highest level of care to critically ill medical and surgical patients including high-frequency oscillatory ventilation, continuous veno-venous hemofiltration, and nitric oxide inhalation. A team of experienced pediatric intensivists supervises the care of all patients. Our services also include care for patients undergoing pediatric liver and bowel transplant, as well as pediatric epilepsy surgery.
Cardiology at CNMC: Our residents spend one month during second year rotating through the inpatient Cardiology/Renal Service at Children’s National Hospital. Residents attend Cardiology clinic on half days each week.
Virginia Hospital Center: Second year residents cover the small inpatient service and emergency room consults at Virginia Hospital Center. They oversee the intern in the newborn nursery.
Emergency Medicine: : Residents have three months of emergency room experiences in dedicated pediatric emergency departments at Inova Fairfax ED and at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital.
Ambulatory Clinic: Residents see sick visits during their second and third years. The second year residents spend afternoons rotating with different ambulatory services, such as nutrition and dentistry. Third year residents on this rotation take home calls overnight.
Psychiatry: During the third year, residents work with our pediatric psychiatry attendings and fellows to see inpatient psychiatry consults and attend outpatient clinics.
Blue Team: Our heme/onc team cares for patients of all ages with a focus on adolescent and young adult oncology care. Residents on this service cover the inpatient service and have opportunities to spend time in heme/onc clinic and participating in lumbar punctures and bone marrow biopsies.